Research and Findings


Over the course of 10 weeks, two OA teams with members from each division assessed the current state of the OA customer experience through extensive research.

In their research, the teams:


Reviewed existing surveys from various divisions and programs.


Conducted a survey of state agencies that asked respondents to rate OA’s customer experience.

Customer Journey

Selected 15 customer journeys and interviewed numerous colleagues from state agencies to get their candid assessment of those customer journeys.


Researched best practices in other states and organizations by contacting 41 outside organizations.


Met with leadership of five departments and one OA division to better understand OA interactions with those agencies. Teams met with Natural Resources, Corrections, Labor and Industrial Relations, Mental Health, Agriculture, and Office of Administration’s Division of Purchasing.


Through their research, the teams found that OA needs to:


Make customer service a top priority.


Partner closely with agencies and better work with them to identify solutions.

Break Down

Break down the silos between OA divisions to provide a seamless customer experience.

Light Bulb

Offer innovative solutions and remove processes that are inefficient or cumbersome.

Double Arrows

Be more flexible and responsive to their needs.


Educate OA team members about OA CARES’ core values to create a culture of customer service.


Measure progress.

OA CARES will help us accomplish these goals!